Mon - Fri : 9am - 8pm
179 Woodland Avenue, Hove, BN3 6BJ, East Sussex

Advanced Dermal Filler Facial Volumisation (Cheeks/Chin/Temples)

Advanced Dermal Filler Facial Volumisation

Course Info

Price £850 + vat

Course Detail

The intermediate/advanced course is for those who wish to expand their practice by continuing their dermal filler and botox training skills after the Foundation Course. This facial rejuvenation course is designed with the emphasis on practical hands-on experience which allows you to focus on areas requiring guidance and expert tuition. You will be able to update your practical skills and techniques on our models under the supervision of our experienced teaching staff.

The growth in the aesthetic industry requires continual development of skills acquired to keep abreast of the changing techniques being used. This is why we offer this advanced training day to make sure you are up to date with the new products and techniques throughout the industry. This course will also mean that on completion you can offer your patients more with regards to treatment options and products used.

During your practical session you cover a variety of Dermal filler techniques, such as:

Advance Dermal Fillers

  • Lip augmentation and enhancement
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Combined filling i.e using different techniques and types of fillers to achieve optimum results